Sunday, January 9

SoCal Sarah

So, I convinced my sister to come back to California with me last week since UNM doesn't start school until the 18th. Our journey commenced on Wednesday as we headed out from Vegas to Oceanside to visit our grandparents down in Oceanside. Thing was, my grandparents didn't know that my sister was going to join me for the visit.

Andrew gave me a ride from LA to Oceanside and came in to meet my grandparents, and my sister waited in the car. Then, after a few minutes and a bathroom break, he went back to the car and sent my sister up to the door. When the doorbell rang, my grandma immediately thought that Andrew had forgotten something, and opened the door to a smiling Sarah. Needless to say, both of my grandparents were extremely happy and quite surprised to see her standing there. They thanked the two of us profusely for coming, and were particularly happy that I thought of such a nice surprise for them. We then met up with my uncle John and my fifteen-year old cousin, Trevor for dinner at Applebees.

After coming back, we put my sister and grandfather to sleep with Gosford Park, and then my grandma and I stayed up talking until about 1:15 or so. I love talking to my grandmother. She's so much like me, so I can relate to what she's saying, but has experienced so much in her life, so I feel that I can learn from her. She's really one of the most special people in my life, next to my father and is just the type of woman that I would want in a wife.

For Thursday afternoon, we had plans to tour the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). The GIA is a school for aspiring gem and precious stone cutters and is the headquarters for all for the four different campus' in the US. Apparently the tour is quite fun as they have a museum of gems and things and as you get to watch the students work (learn?). However, when we got there, the day's tours were all booked up, so we had to go to plan B: The Museum of Making Music, located right next door.

The museum was an excellent plan B, however. Looking at the changing genres, instruments, and voices dating from the 1880's, the museum had excellent hands-on exhibits and stations where one could hear the music from the times. Although a bit small in size, it was quite informative. The best part of the tour, however, was the final room, set up with various instruments that you could play on. They were all electric, so nobody would be able to hear you, even if you were banging away on the drums, as I did. They also had a theremin! I had just heard about theremins on the Win Ben Stein's Money marathon that was on in Colorado on New Year's Eve, and now I was able to play one.

Popularized in the song "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys, it's the only musical instrument played in space. Basically, there are two antenna sticking out from a box, and as you move your hands in front of them, the wavelengths are change in pitch, thus changing their 'sound.' The other hand controls volume. It was really rather strange and I couldn't do anything that sounded even remotely nice, but it'll look good on my resume one day.

After that we went to Gordon Biersch for lunch, and then the video store for a couple movies. We rented and then watched The Terminal and Love Actually. We all went to sleep relatively early that night.

Friday was relaxed and we hopped on the train back to LA at 3:30. Toby happened to be on the train as well, so we talked for a majority of the way and shared stories about our winter break (first time skiing for either of us) until my book, Word Freak, beckoned unto my name.

My sister and I made our way back to my apartment and then met up with BJ, Chris Fong, Rizza, and Jason for dinner at a really trendy Thai food place called (something) Nataliee. We saw a 'celebrity' there that I still can't name, and had a good time together. Got back to citypark and wasted time trying to decide what to do before deciding on a viewing of Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Funny film. BJ also 'gave' me his old electric razor since he bought himself a new one for Christmas. I'll write about my thought on it at a later date.

Saturday I picked up Emmy from the Burbank airport. Only having been there once, and for a drop off, I totally botched the romantic, waiting at the exit gate thing you see in the movies by waiting in the wrong place. Even though it didn't work out as I had planned it, I'll still never forget it. She seemed happy to be home and was then introduced to my sister. Their meeting was supposed to be a surprise as well, but I blew it while talking to Emmy on the phone at my grandparents' house a couple nights before. Like the entrance thing, it was probably a bigger deal for me than for Emmy anyway.

After dropping off her things and relaxing for a bit, Sarah and Emmy came with me to the Sports Arena to watch the men's basketball game against Washington State and to see me be Tommy for the first time. The game sucked (52 - 69) but I think they had fun anyway. Midway through the game, the snaps in the new Tommy head broke, so I had to resort to using the old one. Regardless, the pictures came really nicely.

Later that night the three of us and Tippi went to BJ's in Westwood for dinner and had one of the nicest waiters ever. I started chatting it up with him and after finding out that we were Trojans and that we were planning to go to Didi Reese for dessert, decided to give me (us) a free 'birthday' Pizooki!! We decided to pay for it adding the price of it to his tip.

We all hung out for a bit at the apartment with Devin and Asheem before heading to sleep. I took my sister home early this morning and we realized that she met 18 of my friends this weekend. I didn't even realize how many different people come through my life day in and day out, but I am definitely blessed. I missed you guys this break; it's good to be back.

If only I similar feelings about lecture....


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