Tuesday, January 4

BEAT, the Sooners!

I just got back from the Claude Monet exhibit at the Bellagio fine arts gallery with my mother and while walking past the race and sports book, decided to make a wager on tonight's USC / Oklahoma football championship game. Apparently, the casino can't decide who's going to win tonight, so they got rid of the point spread and made the game a "pick 'em."Apparently a pretty rare move by the casino as the woman informed me, it basically means that if you pick someone to win and they do, then you win; it doesn't matter if it's by one point or thirty. I put $50 down on USC, so if they win, in addition to becoming a student at the University of Successive Championships I'll be at student who's $45.45 richer. But boy am I extremely nervous because it's going to be close.

My predictions: USC is going to hold the edge simply because of special teams, everything else inteh game will be pretty equal. Oklahoma is going to have to drive so far every time that they'll be out of field goal range most of the time, but they will have some long passes that go for touchdowns. USC will chug along down the field, but will have trouble in the red zone and as a result will walk off with many field goals. Oklahoma's starting yardage will average the 25, USC's will average the 40. USC will score one touchdown off a turnover and four field goals. Oklahoma comes away with two touchdowns - both from White - and a field goal. Final score: USC 19, Oklahoma 17. Personally, however, I don't care how it's done as long as we...



Blogger Nat said...

looks like you made some money.
i know 2 people that lost $20 each on the game.
and who got their money?
oh... me!

11:05 AM, January 05, 2005  

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