Shameless Plug
In the summer of last year, Microsoft hired advertising agency 4orty2wo to promote one of their flagship XBox sequels: Halo 2. The agency specializes in what they call alternate reality games (ARGs), a form of interactive mystery which draws people into a narrative via hidden clues and cryptic messages. Since the first campaign was so successful, Microsoft has gone and partnered with them again, this time to promote the successor to the XBox, (code?)named XBox 360.

Right now, TeamTrojan is ranked about 380 out of nearly 3000 teams, but we need more members. You would be signing up not only to help the cause, but also to compete with the other teams for prizes such as t-shirts and free games. Last summer, when the game promoting Halo 2 came to end, Microsoft invited nearly a thousand of the top-ranking players to a private play test nearly a week before the game was released to the public.
Sound like fun? Here's what to do:
- Go to
- Enter the word play in the box and click on the ant.
- Select 'join existing colony'.
- Enter the password 26364616 in the box.
- Fill out your information (no email is asked for).
- Enter the numbers in red in the box below directly below.
- Welcome to TeamTrojan!
Have fun!
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