Monday, March 28

Cheap Read

I generally shy away from these things, but I really don't want to study right now. And although this isn't a real update, you still might be able to learn a couple things about me.

[ full name ] Daniel Robert McConnell

[ spell your first name backwards ] Leinad

[ birthday ] 11/09/82

[ sex ] Male

[ status ] Alive and Well

[ where do you live?] Los Angeles

[ 4 words that describe you ] Relaxed, Enthusiastic, Intelligent, Charming

[ hair color ] Red in the winter; blonde in the summer.

[ zodiac sign ] Scorpio

[ heritage ] Irish, Scottish, French Canadian


[ location ] My room

[ clothes ] Swim with Mike T-shirt, Relaxed Boot Fit jeans, Rainbows, and a black belt
[ procrastination ] Reading Psychology

[ listen ] "Hush" by LL Cool J

[ read ] Word Freak....still

[ cd ] When cruising, I'm usually listening to my 'Vegas Trip Mix' mp3 CD

[ refreshment ] Milk

[ worry ] Nothing...I rarely worry

last person...

[ you touched ] Devin

[ you talked to ] Heather

[ you hugged ] Natalie

[ you kissed] Emmy

[ you missed ] My Sister

either / or

[ righty or lefty ] Righty

[ innie or outtie ] Innie

[ boxer or brief ] Boxer briefs

[ pepsi or coke] Pepsi

[ McDonald’s or Burger King ] Mcdonald's

[ single or group dates ] Depends on the occassion

[ adidas or nike ] Nike

[ lipton ice tea or nestea ] Lipton

[ 7-11 or wawa ] 7-11

[ cappuccino or coffee ] Coffee

what is your...

[ most overused phrase] Devin just asked, "What's with you and saying 'good job' all the time."

[ best feature ] My eyes or shoulders

[ bedtime ] 2:30 am

[ greatest accomplishment ] Forgiving those who don't deserve it

[ most missed memory ] Flexing out


[ food ] Any meat with BBQ sauce

[ drink ] A Gin and Tonic

[ color ] Blue

[ shoes ] Rainbow sandals

[ animal ] Tiger

[ movie ] Schindler's List
[ vegetable ] Carrots

[ fruit ] Peaches or Pineapple

[ cartoon ] Doug

[ article of clothing ] My black track jacket

are you generally...

[ understanding ] yes

[ open-minded ] yes
[ arrogant ] yes

[ insecure ] no

[ interesting ] no
[ random ] no

[ smart ] yes

[ moody ] no

[ childish ] no

[ independent ] yes

[ hard working ] no

[ organized ] yes

[ shy ] no

[ difficult ] no

[ attractive ] yes
[ bored easily ] no

[ thirsty ] no

[ responsible ] yes

[ angry ] no

[ sad ] no

[ happy ] yes

[ hyper ] no

[ trusting ] yes

girls / guys

[ favorite feature ] Smile

[ favorite eye color ] Blue

[ best hair color ] Brown

[ best height ] <=5'6"; shorter than me, even in heels

[ best weight ] depends on the height; thin

have you ever...

[ kissed in the rain ] no

[ called someone because you couldn't wait any longer to hear their voice ] yes

[ thought about someone so much you annoyed yourself ] yes

[ talked about someone to the point of people telling you to shut up ] yes

[ watched the stars with someone ] yes

[ cried because you were so happy ] no

[ kept something so you could smell it when you missed that person] not on purpose

[ eaten an entire box of oreos ] no

[ eaten sushi ] yes

[ been on stage ] yes

[ gone skating ] yes

[ made homemade cookies ] yes

[ been in love ] yes

[ dyed your hair ] yes

[ stolen anything ] yes

[ played a game that required removal of clothing ] yes

[ been caught "doing something" ] yes

[ been called a tease ] no

[ gotten beaten up ] no

[ changed yourself to fit in ] no


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Daniel!
When I read "last person you missed" I started crying...
I miss U too :o)

6:56 PM, April 02, 2005  

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