Wednesday, February 9

Design My Nikes!

I've decided to treat myself and purchase a pair of Nike Shox with the winnings I recently came across, thanks to the Superbowl. So, I went online the other day to check out the different styles and colors and realized that I could design my own rather than have a standard, store-bought color scheme! Then I started looking through and cutomizing and realized that I shouldn't be the only one having so much fun, so I've decided to share. That's right, I'm asking you to help design my shoes for me. Only one person will win, but if you're looking for a way to procrastinate, look no further, because this contest is it.

Before you go out there and start customizing, however, you'll need to know a few things:
  1. The website where you can design the shoes is located at
  2. I'm only interested in buying a pair of running shoes, namely the Nike Shox NZ or Nike Shox Turbo. Don't bother customizing any of the others for me, because I don't like them.
  3. Although these shoes will be worn primarily while working out (eg: lifting, running, racquetball), I'd also like them to look decent when worn with casual clothing.
  4. I don't care how crazy they look, as long as they look good. Remember, I've chosen to buy a custom pair for a reason. Be creative!
  5. It might help to create an account so that you can save your favorite color schemes in your locker for later retrieval/finishing touches. It's completely optional, however.
  6. Either create an account and e-mail me your shoe design directly (super easy), or take a screen shot of the shoe in a 3/4 overhead perspective by pressing Print Screen for a PC, Shift+Apple+3 for a Mac -> Paste into Paint -> Save.
  7. Email me ( your entry(ies) by this weekend.
  8. It's completely irrelevant, but I know someone is going to ask it anyway: I wear a size 11.
On Monday, I'll look through all the received entries and post my favorites for everyone to vote on. The winner will then be notified and forever immortalized on my shoes in the manner they choose when I personalize them. That way, when people ask me why my shoes say, for example, 'WNDYRULZ,' I'll tell them about the time my friend Wendy entered a contest on my blog.....


This is the 3/4 overhead perspective I was talking about.


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