Tuesday, November 16

Supervise or Drive

Ok, so it all started about a week ago when I got my evaluation from Campus Cruiser. Once per semester, each cruiser is called into Fox 1's (John Zajac) office to receive their performance appraisal of the past six months worth of work. Each person is graded in six categories, with the scores ranging from a 1 for "Below Expectations" to a 3 for "Exceeds Expectations." If a cruiser receives a total score of at least 12, or 2's in every category, their get a $.25 raise. If they score above 16 of the 18 possible points, they also receive a bonus check. The categories include: Teamwork, Job Knowledge, attendance, Safety, Customer Service, and Quality of Work.

I did pretty well and, naturally, was pretty ecstatic about it. One of the supervisors asked me what I got and upon telling him, he inquired if I was going to apply for a supervisor position. It kind of caught me off guard, because well, I had never really thought about it before. I asked him when applications were due, and he told me that they hadn't started taking them yet, so I didn't think much of it, assuming someone would tell me when the time came to apply.

Things changed this afternoon when I was walking to work. On the way, I ran into former Fox 2, Lisa Core. And no, it didn't hurt. Anyway, she asked me if I had applied for supervisor, and I told her that I didn't think the application process had started yet. She seemed somewhat disappointed for me and told me that she thought the application process had, in fact, already ended. I was pretty disappointed, but hoped that she didn't know what she was talking about since she left cruiser a few weeks back. Unfortunately, she was right.

I came into work and asked one of the supervisors and they told me that the application process was during the last two weeks of October. I had no idea! He said that it was mentioned in briefing, but I work three days a week, and had never heard about it. Apparently, someone had skipped that portion during the beginning of my shifts, or I just have selective hearing. Either way, it appeared that I was S.O.L.

So for most of my shift, I was pretty down about it. However, the funny thing is, I don't even know if I would have enjoyed being a supervisor. I love cruiser because I'm able to drive around and meet new people, singing to my favorite tunes while I drive from place to place. I don't want a job where I do paperwork and sit in an office, that's just not my style. Regardless, I was really disappointed that I didn't even get the opportunity to prove to myself that I could get the position. Maybe that's not the best motivation for applying for the job, but that's the kind of person that I am. I want to know that I can compete with the best, and in this situation, I missed the boat. As the night went on, things made sense and I realized that I probably wouldn't be happy with the job, so I suppose it was a good thing that I didn't know about the application process, because if I had gotten the job, I probably would've taken it and regretted it later. Funny how things always seem to work out for the best when you've got an optimistic attitude. Now, if only I was so clever as to figure out how to spend my evaluation bonus check... ;)


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