Wednesday, November 3

US Puzzle Championship

This one's for all the dorks out there who, like myself, enjoy a good brain bender every now and again.

I was surfing the web yesterday and found a page on the World Puzzle Championships that are held every year. The United States won this year, and this is your chance to be invited to join the team for the championships next summer!

After solving the problems on the practice and official tests from last year, proceed to the registration page to hold your spot for the 2005 US Championship Test to be administered next May.

Now, if only I could find a way to get this excited about my Psyc essay...


Blogger Nat said...

You are absolutely fabulous.
I will join your puzzle team. I'm stupid, but I'll be the witty sassy one that talks a lot of trash and distracts the other teams... deal?

9:42 AM, November 03, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Online journals are awesome! I had a blog at one point, but after shopping around, I decided on a livejournal. And I've had it for, like, a year. Because I'm that cool. Anyways...hope all is well...take care!

12:40 PM, November 03, 2004  

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