Saturday, November 20

A Lovely Day

Saw an absolutely stunning film today, Finding Neverland, starring Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet, and Dustin Hoffman. It's a biopic about the playwright of Peter Pan, and the family that was his muse. The acting is terrific both with the leads and the parts of the children and the dialogue is realistic and touching. Rumor has it that Depp liked the actor who played Peter so much that little Peter is going to be Charlie in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, starring Depp as Willy Wonka himself.

Anyway, I left campus around 3:00 pm and went to see it at the Arclight Hollywood, one of the premiere movie theaters in Los Angeles, and also a first for myself. I got there by public transportation (Dash to Red Line) and just had the best time. Primarily because of the company that was with me, I had a regular cocktail of fun! Haha, ok, that was lame, but you get my drift.

Then, after we got back to campus, I went to a party with the roommates. It was more of a kick-back than a party, but I ended up being babysitter to some of my close friends, some of whom went home and some of whom went to another party. We had an overall good time and caught a ride from a fabulous Campus Cruiser and went back to our apartments. By the time my friends had gone to sleep, I decided to stay awake to make sure that didn't sleep through the alarm to wake me up to catch my bus out of town. See, I know that if went to sleep, I probably would've slept right through all my alarms. Either way, I'm staying awake because I'm going home this weekend, since I'm going to San Diego for Thanksgiving. In short, it was just one of those days when everything seems to go right and you wouldn't change a single thing about it. Thanks for making it that way.


Blogger Nat said...

im glad you had such an awesome day. yesterday was pretty cool all around (even though it was technically "have a bad day" day) so much for that. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory pictures are all over the net already. It looks awesomeeeee...

10:07 AM, November 20, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so glad to be "fabulous"

2:18 AM, November 21, 2004  

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